PubMed or click on More… to select additional databases.
In Online Search select a database, e.g.
In the left side menu pane, you will see the group set Online Search with resources such as Web of Science and PubMed listed under it. See Searching online resources from within EndNote.
Are there any other types of resource you might want to include in your library? A web page for example?.
What would you need to do to ensure the abstract or full reference is included?.
Did you consider how much information about the reference(s) you wanted to import into EndNote?.
Look at the full record you have imported.
As references are being added to All References, in which folder do they also appear?.
Explore (UCL’s library catalogue), Google Scholar, Scopus.
Search other online resources and export references to EndNote e.g.
Search for a subject of your choice and export more references to your library.
You may need to open the saved file to actually send the references to EndNote.
The export to Endnote method will vary for each database, but generally you need to find the Export or Send to option and select Citation manager or Export to EndNote Desktop.
Carry out a search in the database of your choice for articles on carpal tunnel by Gelfman.